How to Handle it When DCF Accuses Your Loving Spouse of Child Sexual Abuse

How to Handle it When DCF Accuses Your Loving Spouse of Child Sexual Abuse

How to Handle it When DCF Accuses Your Loving Spouse of Child Sexual Abuse

There are several actions to take to keep your children safe when DCF has allegations against your spouse. Don’t turn against your spouse and let your child be parentless. Hire an attorney, make a plan, and show each other support.

How Does MA DCF’s Sexual Abuse Allegation On Your Spouse Affect The Entire Family? 

Allegations of sexual abuse from DCF can cause extreme distress for both you and your spouse. While this can result in arguing between the two of you, it is important to keep it at a minimum and away from the children. Children can become distant from the accused parents not only because of the allegations, but also how they reacted. DCF sexual abuse allegations can also destroy a marriage. It’s an unthinkable situation when Massachusetts DCF is involved in your life. By understanding and cooperating with your spouse while also maintaining a healthy environment, you can achieve anything. Sexual abuse allegations create a barrier, but you must remain positive and gain the right attorney! With a DCF attorney like Kevin Seaver, you do not have to sacrifice your marriage to keep your children. You do not have to choose between your child and your spouse because Seaver will fight for you to have it all.

What are some simple ways to support your child and the accused spouse?

Show empathy

It is best to show empathy during tough times so that your spouse knows you are supportive. It’s understandable that you might be upset with your spouse, but do not resent them because of the allegations. It is important to remember that you know your spouse is a loving parent. It’s also vital to separate parenting methods from abuse because we often mistake the two. Empathy is key in reminding your spouse that they are not alone. Attorneys deal with false accusations all the time, and experienced lawyers such as Attorney Seaver know how to approach such a case.

Maintain a happy/healthy home

During DCF investigations, it is important to make sure your home is a healthy environment. Many children cannot understand what is happening, but they can sense stressors and read unhappy faces. If you have babies and toddlers, try to ensure safety and allow your spouse to interact with their child because they love their child just as much. 

Unconditional love

The love you have for your spouse and children can defeat any obstacle. By communicating and being respectful to one another, you will not only teach your child the importance of respect and have a happier relationship with your spouse. DCF allegations can make you act out of character, which can raise the risk of your child being taken. Be true to yourself, your children, and your spouse because only YOU can determine the outcome of your case. 

Give advise Sparingly

Communication in a marriage can become fragile during such difficult times. False allegations can make us feel helpless, and sometimes cause us to give unsolicited advice. However, this can do more harm than you intend and bring more stress on your spouse. Unless you are asked, it is best to withhold from giving advice. Another way to offer advice to your spouse is by receiving legal advice. Your personal advice could only go a long way, but legal advice from an attorney ensures you win against MA DCF.

How do you successfully fight against sexual abuse allegations?

Use civil custody and dependent/neglect proceedings to gain information and to assess the State’s case. When the accused is a parent or caregiver, the State will file a civil proceeding to get court orders. These are done in order to keep the accused away from the accuser. The first inclination of the accused may be to forgo any rights to have a hearing in the civil court. This is because the accused may not wish to challenge his or her right to parent the child, at least for the time being. This can be a severe mistake.

No matter how dire the situation seems, you must never forget your rights. Attorney Kevin Seaver focuses on the importance of communication and using every piece of information to help build your case. Seaver has worked solely in DCF cases for over thirty years and has made it his specialty. Your ability to fully cooperate, trust, and take the initiative helps Attorney Seaver resolve the allegations and ensure that MA DCF no longer has a case on your family. We all want answers, but we first must take the initiative. Attorney Seaver is a fighter and a problem solver; he is your best choice when your spouse has child abuse allegations against them.


You find yourself in this situation, it’s advisable to seek legal representation from a qualified attorney, like those at the Law Office of Kevin Seaver, who can advocate for your rights and guide you through the complex process of a DCF investigation.

Remember that the ultimate goal of DCF is to ensure the safety and well-being of children while supporting families in crisis.

Please note that this article does not create an Attorney-Client relationship between our law firm and the reader and is provided for informational purposes only. Information in this article does not apply to all readers.

Readers should not rely on this information as legal advice and should seek specific counsel from the attorney based on personal circumstances. Thank you.

Kevin Patrick Seaver is a Massachusetts DCF Defense Lawyer who represents parents against false child abuse allegations.

Massachusetts DCF Defense Lawyer Kevin Seaver has been successfully fighting false child abuse allegations since 1991.

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