Author Archives: Kevin Seaver

How Talking to a DCF 51B Investigator is like Talking to the Police

Talking to the DCF 51B Investigator has been determined to be tantamount to talking to [...]

Record Setting $7 Million Court Award Against Massachusetts DCF

The $7 million settlement is more than a mere financial compensation for the victims; it [...]

False Allegations during Child Protective Services Investigation

False Allegations during Child Protective Services Investigation During a CPS investigation, a Colorado mother shows [...]

How a Massachusetts DCF Worker Created a False Identity Report to Attend High School.

How a Massachusetts DCF Worker Created a False Identity Report to Attend High School.  A [...]

Inspector General Cites Over a Thousand Cases of Child Abuse in Head Start

Certainly! Here’s the revised sentence with “30% in SEO” as a transitional phrase: “Increasing website [...]

A DCF Child Neglect Case Study Involving a Daycare Owner

Allegation: Neglect of a child by a Daycare Owner Person’s Involved: Bob: redacted DOB (Reported [...]

Massachusetts DCF Defense Lawyer Overturning False Abuse Claims by A Troubled Teen

Massachusetts DCF defense lawyer Successfully fights false child abuse allegations. Alexandra Roberts made false allegations [...]

Parent’s DCF Fair Hearing: Case Study of False Neglect Allegations

In this case, we will examine an allegation of neglect. This DCF false neglect allegation [...]

Title: “A Mailman’s Vigilance: Saving a Child from Daycare Negligence

In a city north of Boston, a chilling event happened that showed the dangers of [...]

Title: “A Family’s Courage: Navigating the DCF Maze of DCF Investigation Process “

Title: “A Family’s Courage: Navigating the DCF Maze of DCF Investigation Process   “family’s life [...]