Need to Sort Out your MA DCF Investigation? Guidance from DCF Counsel

Need to Sort Out your MA DCF Investigation? Guidance from DCF Counsel

Need to Sort Out your MA DCF Investigation? Guidance from DCF Counsel

The Massachusetts Department of Children and Families (MA DCF) can start an investigation into your family at any point. First, MA DCF receives a phone call through the DCF hotline or written report accusing you of child abuse or neglect. DCF writes down the information from that call into a 51A report. Anyone who believes a child is a victim of abuse and/or neglect can call to report.

DCF has the power to remove your children and place them into DCF foster care. Unfortunately, many children who are forced into foster care have ended up homeless.

Sometimes, DCF begins an investigation due to false allegations. If you truly believe in your innocence, then you may want to hire experienced DCF counsel. A MA DCF lawyer who strongly agrees with you will fight your DCF case with integrity and connect you with services catered to your individual needs.

Do Parents Need to Know About Mandated Reporters?

The short answer is, they should. Parents should understand that “mandated reporters” have a much greater responsibility to report to DCF than the average person. A mandated reporter is an person who is obligated by the law, to report every suspicion of child abuse or neglect. The mandated reporter must report it to DCF regardless of how outrageous the story is.

Mandated reporters are people who are paid to care for children in public, or in private facilities such as a home, or in a government program sponsored by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to provide child care or residential services. Mandated reporters include:

  • Foster parents
  • Childcare staff
  • After School program staff
  • Daycare staff
  • Child care resource and referral agencies (CCR&Rs)
  • Pediatricians
  • Nurses
  • Child care licensors
  • Therapists
  • Police officers
  • Human service professionals
  • Social workers

What Will DCF Counsel Say to Expect from a MA DCF Investigation?

Once DCF receives a valid report of child abuse and/or neglect, they begin an investigation. During an investigation, DCF may visit your home many times. DCF will also interview your children, neighbors, and other adults who care for your children (such as their teachers, and doctors).

A DCF investigation can hurt your and your child’s mental health. You may feel exposed if DCF contacts your doctor or therapist to get information about you when investigating the allegations. This may cause DCF to include sensitive information about you in their official reports.

If your child cannot speak English very well, you should know they can receive language help from the Children Limited English Proficiency (LEP) Services. If your child is taken from your home and placed into a different state, DCF must follow guidelines for Compact for Placement of Children (ICPC).

Need to Sort Out your MA DCF Investigation? Guidance from DCF Counsel

Will DCF Investigate for Domestic Violence?

DCF can accuse you of domestic violence no matter how small the argument between you and your partner is. When DCF accuses parents of domestic violence, they are also accusing them of child neglect. There are many reasons why DCF supports neglect allegations because of domestic violence. All of those reasons are because they can harm the children in the home in some way. In DCF’s eyes, when a child witnesses domestic violence, they can be emotionally scarred for a long time. DCF also thinks domestic violence in a household can lead the parents to accidentally harm a child.

With domestic violence accusations, you can face criminal and civil charges. This can be very overwhelming.

Domestic violence issues often go hand-in-hand with substance abuse issues. If you or your spouse is suffering from substance abuse addiction, there are services and programs that may help.

What Happens After a Massachusetts DCF Investigation?

The results of a DCF investigation can be that the allegations are supported, unsupported, or substantiated concern.

  • “Supported”: DCF believes the allegations are true.
  • “Unsupported”: DCF believes the allegations are false.
  • “Substantiated concern”: DCF believes the allegations may be true but there isn’t enough evidence for them to support the allegations.

A supported 51A report will remain on your record forever. But you can appeal a supported decision. During the appeals process, you can testify for yourself or call in witnesses to speak in your favor. Appeals allow you to challenge DCF directly and question their evidence. Appeals are time-sensitive, so you should reach out for help from DCF counsel as early as you can.

How can DCF Counsel Help You?

Hiring DCF counsel will help close your case quickly with a guided plan on how to successfully fight DCF. A DCF investigation can make you to feel like you’re losing control of your family. Your neighbors and community members may start questioning your family’s reputation. So, it is extremely important to know your rights. An MA DCF lawyer can communicate these rights to you.

DCF counsel will also help you appeal wrongfully supported DCF decisions.

Kevin Seaver is a trusted Massachusetts DCF counsel specialized in DCF law since 1991.


You find yourself in this situation, it’s advisable to seek legal representation from a qualified attorney, like those at the Law Office of Kevin Seaver, who can advocate for your rights and guide you through the complex process of a DCF investigation.

Remember that the ultimate goal of DCF is to ensure the safety and well-being of children while supporting families in crisis.

Please note that this article does not create an Attorney-Client relationship between our law firm and the reader and is provided for informational purposes only. Information in this article does not apply to all readers.

Readers should not rely on this information as legal advice and should seek specific counsel from the attorney based on personal circumstances. Thank you.

Kevin Patrick Seaver is a Massachusetts DCF Defense Lawyer who represents parents against false child abuse allegations.

Massachusetts DCF Defense Lawyer Kevin Seaver has been successfully fighting false child abuse allegations since 1991.

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