Tag Archives: DCF Investigation

How Letting Your Child Slip Can Lead to a MA DCF Investigation

How Letting Your Child Slip Can Lead to a MA DCF Investigation The Massachusetts Department [...]

With A DCF Investigation, Do You Think You Have Nothing To Hide? WRONG

With A DCF Investigation, Do You Think You Have Nothing To Hide? WRONG I often [...]


DCF Investigation Process: A Simple Guide to Absolve Confusions

How to Understand the MA DCF Investigation Process: A Simple Guide to Absolve Confusions The [...]


How the RIGHT MA DCF Lawyer Helps Win your DCF Case

The right MA DCF lawyer for you and your children can help you win your [...]

What Are the 4 Outcomes of a MA DCF Investigation

I am often asked by clients; what are the possible outcomes of my 51B investigation? [...]


How Serious are the Risks in a MA DCF Investigation?

How Serious are the Risks in a MA DCF Investigation?   Parents and caregivers tend [...]


Be Smart With Social Media During Your MA DCF Investigation

Recent case I had involved a mother who was from another country and she was [...]


How to Double Your Chances of Winning your MA DCF Investigation

One of the first things I do, whether it’s over the phone or in person [...]


Bad sunburn can prompt a MA DCF investigation and Criminal Charges

When your child develops a bad sunburn, expect the Massachusetts (hereinafter MA) Department of Children [...]

How Can MA DCF Start an Investigation due to Sun Damage?

The Massachusetts (hereinafter “MA”) Department of Children and Families (hereinafter “DCF”) will investigate you for [...]