How Letting Your Child Slip Can Lead to a MA DCF Investigation

How Letting Your Child Slip Can Lead to a MA DCF Investigation

How Letting Your Child Slip Can Lead to a MA DCF Investigation

The Massachusetts Department of Children and Families (MA DCF) sometimes does investigations when a child falls down and gets hurt. This could be from rough playing or a lack of supervision.

Parents know that kids often get bumps and bruises accidentally every day. However, DCF constantly tries to twist these injuries into cases of abuse or neglect, potentially leading to a fight against DCF. DCF wrongfully punishes parents all the time for just doing their job and letting their children have fun. This is wrong on so many levels.fight against DCF

How Common Are Falls in Children?

Falls are really common. They are the number one cause of non-fatal injury in all children. In fact, the CDC reports that falls affect about 8,000 children in the US every single day. Though they range in severity, DCF opens investigations all the time for injuries they believe claim parents could have prevented. While the sad reality is that oftentimes, though kids are usually brave and resilient. DCF often misuses common injuries to falsely accuse parents of abuse or neglect, causing undue harm to innocent caregivers.

This doesn’t change the fact that as parents may be doing the most to protect our children within good reason! Parents with young children should ask themselves, what should they do? Parents should protect children, but labeling every accident as neglect sets a risky precedent. What parents should do then is take precautions to not only prevent injuries from falling, but also to avoid DCF from ever coming into their life.

What Are Some Quick Tips to Prevent Your Child’s Falling Injuries That Lead to MA DCF Investigations?

As a parent, you have the power to keep kids safe and happy. Though you can’t put your kid in a bubble to prevent injuries, there are ways to prevent them. Here are some quick steps you can take reduce their risk of fall-related injury, and can keep a MA DCF investigation out. Safety First – adopting a mentality of keeping safety in mind when engaging in certain activities is a surefire way to ensure injury prevention. Proper precautions when appropriately applied create conditions of safety and reduce of injury. Safe playing – The area where children face the highest risk of danger is on the playground.

The improper use of equipment more often  than not is a cause of fall injury. Common sense is sometimes not enough to determine whether the steps taken to ensure safety are effective enough. Using guidelines like checking playground equipment, teaching children consequences of pushing/shoving, as well as separating younger and older children on the play areas will do well to ensure falling risk is eliminated. Ensure children run smooth surfaces, and that children are playing on age-appropriate equipment. Supervision is key – no young child of any age should be left unattended.

In addition to being able to spot potential fall risks in keeping from climbing up high areas, your close proximity will guarantee that they will not wander off or be at risk of potential abduction. Some resources recommend applying a ‘touch’ distance for toddlers or preschoolers to ensure they can safely climb even if they might not be strong enough to do it alone. Keep sports safe – the greatest source of fun – and biggest risk of injury  is the child’s participation in sports. Children with appropriate, fitting safety equipment can help prevent injury even in circumstances of a non-contact fall. Teaching children the rules and sportsmanlike conduct early on in life can severely reduce the risk of unintentional injury.

Take Aways 

Taking steps to prevent fall injury will ensure that you not only will teach important lessons for the future. They also make certain that you will avoid short-term consequences of a MA DCF investigation. This happens by keeping a few simple tips in mind. These important measures to reduce risk of serious injury are important at every stage at life. Someone who teaches these children the different techniques will be more effective at implementing them in life. Ensure your child’s happiness and safety by making responsible decisions to avoid DCF involvement. This guarantees them a future of happiness and safety.


Kevin Seaver is a trusted Massachusetts DCF lawyer specialized in DCF law since 1991.


You find yourself in this situation, it’s advisable to seek legal representation from a qualified attorney, like those at the Law Office of Kevin Seaver, who can advocate for your rights and guide you through the complex process of a DCF investigation.

Remember that the ultimate goal of DCF is to ensure the safety and well-being of children while supporting families in crisis.

Please note that this article does not create an Attorney-Client relationship between our law firm and the reader and is provided for informational purposes only. Information in this article does not apply to all readers.

Readers should not rely on this information as legal advice and should seek specific counsel from the attorney based on personal circumstances. Thank you.

Kevin Patrick Seaver is a Massachusetts DCF Defense Lawyer who represents parents against false child abuse allegations.

Massachusetts DCF Defense Lawyer Kevin Seaver has been successfully fighting false child abuse allegations since 1991.

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