Why you should rely on your experienced DCF Lawyer, not DCF!

Why you should not rely upon DCF legal advice in Massachusetts. Simply put, there are well-intentioned well-meaning social workers, but they are not lawyers. So they may mean and intend with the best of intention to give you the right information. You’re asking a non-lawyer for legal advice; they lack the expertise in legal terms and procedures. legal advice, it doesn’t add up.

You should never do that. Number two, there may be an incident where DCF doesn’t know, but doesn’t want to act like they should know. Some people have egos, including social workers and it may give you again, information. They mean well, It’s not factual. It’s not correct. It’s inaccurate. Ignorance of the law is no defense. You also got to understand too, that DCF at times will play both sides of the street.

What do I mean by that? They may be social work and they know how to be a good social worker. We hope, but you get playing the attorney, given legal advice. They should never, ever, ever do that. And I say to social workers all the time; I promise you I will not play social worker because I’m not clinical. You promise me you don’t play lawyer. They’re not lawyers, so relying on non-lawyers for legal advice is a common and frustrating occurrence.

That’s the wrong thing, but you as a client must understand DCF is not legal. DCF is not your friend. You don’t have an Attorney-Client privilege where you can tell them anything you want and not worry about where it goes. DCF doesn’t have to be your enemy, but they are not your ally or your legal representative. Be careful. Ask a lawyer for legal advice.



You find yourself in this situation, it’s advisable to seek legal representation from a qualified attorney, like those at the Law Office of Kevin Seaver, who can advocate for your rights and guide you through the complex process of a DCF investigation.

Remember that the ultimate goal of DCF is to ensure the safety and well-being of children while supporting families in crisis.

Please note that this article does not create an Attorney-Client relationship between our law firm and the reader and is provided for informational purposes only. Information in this article does not apply to all readers.

Readers should not rely on this information as legal advice and should seek specific counsel from the attorney based on personal circumstances. Thank you.

Kevin Patrick Seaver is a Massachusetts DCF Defense Lawyer who represents parents against false child abuse allegations.


Massachusetts DCF Defense Lawyer Kevin Seaver has been successfully fighting false child abuse allegations since 1991.

2 thoughts on “Why you should rely on your experienced DCF Lawyer, not DCF!

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    Jennifer says:

    I’m in California and I need help that toke my kids took my kids and came to their dad and he ended up being on them and letting his step kids unless my daughter and my son he’s been blaming it on him my son and they tested my daughter and it was not true but he comes and gives them to me and then he calls the cops and says my son was touching my daughter and they’re together well that was a lie how to CPS

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    Casey Benton says:

    I need legal help. My children were taken away from my home because dcf is saying that I apparently transferred thc to my children through skin contact. Marijuana is legal and I also have my medical card. They have had my children since February 6 of this year, the day it became legal for recreational use. I have completed everything and I have done everything they asked but my kids are still not home. My last caseworker had burnout and my kids have expressed abuse since the first week we had a visit. My 8 year old daughter told me that the foster parents were choking my 6 year old son and shoving him into walls. I reported it and the caseworker went to the judge and told him I was crazy and to suspend contact with my children until I went for a psychological evaluation. Which I passed. Twice. Marijuana is legal and they have zero evidence of any other reason to keep my kids. I believe they fabricated the test results to make it look like my 5 younger children had thc in their system. My 3 older children tested negative and my five younger children tested positive. So they’re trying to say that bc I didn’t wash my hands after smoking marijuana that I had to have transferred it through hand holding or kissing or things like that. Which I had no idea was even possible. No attorneys will help me because it’s too new and such a grey area. I need help. I need to know what my rights are and what my options are to get my kids the justice they deserve.

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