My Life Was Ruined With 51A; Attorney Seaver Saved Me Because He Cares

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“When DCF contacted us for the first time, letting us know of what was happening in the 51A report, I felt that my life was ruined, that it was taken away from me. When we were first contacted by DCF, I felt that the charges were being brought forward was not with a presumption of innocence, but a presumption of guilt. And it wasn’t until Attorney Seaver got involved, that they knew not to mess with him.

I was blessed to find attorney Kevin Seaver, who was able to bring us through this and bring myself through this. Attorney Seaver gave me hope and wisdom in the matter. Attorney Kevin Seaver went above and beyond all expectations. I was expecting this just to be another lawyer who was just going to ride it out, get paid, and I didn’t get that at all. Instead, I got an attorney that cared what was going on.

If DCF contacts you and accuses you and you are innocent of the charges, the first thing I would do is to calm down, take a breath and call Attorney Kevin Seaver, because he’s the only one that I would trust with this matter. He’s the only professional that has enough knowledge to counteract DCF and to go into them. Because even though DCF does a lot of good work for children, there’s also sometimes they overlook things and they can hurt a lot of people who are innocent.

I would rate Attorney Kevin Seaver… As a matter of fact, I wouldn’t rate him because I don’t think that you could scale the amount of work he did. And also returning my life back to me. I don’t think I can put that on a number scale.

Attorney Seaver was recommended to us by a friend and they highly recommended him. They trusted him right off the bat. And so with that, we went forward. But me, of course, I was still having doubts about that. The reputations of lawyers and Kevin Seaver was everything, not what I thought of a lawyer. He was the opposite of what I believed a lawyer to be like.

Attorney Seaver has never cut any corners because he actually cared that we would succeed. He knew we were innocent and he was going to fight for us until, with everything he had.”


Discover More about this Caretaker’s Case in the Case Study Here:


MA DCF Client Testimonial
16 MA DCF Client Testimonial