What’s the Next Step With MA DCF? Attorney Seaver Will Quickly Make the Best Plan

5 Star Attorney Kevin Seaver
5/5 Stars

The reason I was feeling so scared and floored from that call was because what they were explaining to us on the other line, what the allegations were, they weren’t simple things! I knew that I had to reach out to a lawyer to help me fight this DCF case after the allegations came out and after we had a meeting and it was very apparent that they weren’t listening to us. They didn’t have anything in the best interest of the child. DCF already had whatever story they wanted to and they just weren’t listening. 

And I know that I needed to get someone, I needed to get a lawyer to make DCF listen, or at least acknowledge what was in fact true. I needed to come up with a plan myself, but my plan needed to be a successful plan. It couldn’t be a plan that was going to fire back. So I know that I needed to get a successful lawyer. I started doing some research and that’s when I came across over the internet, the page for Attorney Seaver. 

After digging a little bit more and just getting some knowledge off his website and off of some reviews, I knew that this was kind of the step that I needed to go. So my next step was reaching out to his office and letting attorney Seaver’s office know that I wanted to speak with him and, and see if he can help me come up with a plan. 

After all these experiences dealing with DCF – and they, of course they have not been pleasant at all – if I ever had a family member or friend or neighbor or anyone who came across something to myself, similar like this, I would let them know immediately look up this gentleman, look up, attorney Seaver, look what he did for me. Look what Attorney Seaver did. I think, you should reach out to him. He’s going to help guide you. And he’s definitely going to help you get the situation resolved. 

Attorney Seaver was really awesome and he always asked for my kids, we at times we would have our phone on loudspeaker and he would always joke with them back and forth. My kids would hear him over the speaker, and they would know who it is. It’s kind of funny, but it was, it was just really great working with him and myself and my children just come up with a really good experience. 

So, in the beginning, of course, when I got that phone call from DCF, I was scared. I didn’t know how to respond. I didn’t know what to do. Many sleepless nights. I was up, wondering what’s going to happen. What’s the next step? What are they going to believe? What are they not going to believe? And it just felt really good that, after I got Attorney Seaver, we came up with that plan. 

We executed that plan. And again, the plan worked beautifully. I was able to maintain my children and my household to this day. I woke up last night, of course, out of my sleep, but not because I’m scared, but because I’m happy. And I just went and I looked at all my kids’ rooms and they’re all in their beds. And I just smiled last night knowing that all my kids were home in bed and that’s all due to Attorney Seaver. He made sure that they weren’t able to come and take my kids from me. And I’m just very grateful. 


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