I Felt Really Scared And Vulnerable. Attorney Seaver Made A Clear Cut Plan

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“The allegations against me were neglect. They accused me and my wife of not keeping up with our kids’ doctor’s appointments, and just overall medical needs, emotional needs. I mean, I found all of that to be preposterous, I was absolutely shocked when I learned that DCF had opened an investigation towards me and my family.

Yeah, I mean, it was a wrongful accusation, completely, and it felt like an invasion of my family’s privacy. I definitely felt vulnerable, and like I had no way to combat it. They were pretty firm in like their desire to take action against us, and I didn’t really know how to prove to them that I hadn’t neglected my children in any way whatsoever. DCF, they tried to get me to admit to things that I disagreed with, and I didn’t feel were even relevant. I could tell they were kind of trying to back me into a corner as far as, setting me up to say things I didn’t necessarily mean, or I don’t know. I felt like they were trying to back me into a corner.

I decided to hire Attorney Kevin Seaver, because I did my research. I checked out his past, his credentials, all of the people he had helped, and it seemed like he was a good fit. Someone that could give me the right support in fighting DCF. I mean, I felt really vulnerable answering DCF without protection, not having anyone who knew the ins and outs of it all. I mean, Kevin Seaver seemed like the perfect choice to do that. It was difficult to bite the bullet and hire a lawyer, the cost and just I didn’t want to look like I had anything to hide. In reality, DCF can come anytime and take my children and that scared me. I felt like the only option I had was to find protection. 

Attorney Kevin Seaver was the only lawyer I could find who specializes in DCF cases. I didn’t want somebody that covers everything. I wanted them to really be invested in it, and know how to deal with this particular situation, and Kevin Seaver was the only lawyer that seemed fitting for the job. My goals in hiring Attorney Kevin Seaver were to get DCF out of my life as quickly as possible, and to know that my children are safe, and the Attorney Kevin Seaver absolutely exceeded those goals. I couldn’t be happier with the results. Initially, having to deal with DCF on my own was really scary. Overwhelming. It was daunting. I felt like I could lose my kids at any time, and upon hiring the Attorney Kevin Seaver, there was definitely a feeling of safety. I felt protected. My rights were protected, and it was a huge relief to have that support.

Attorney Kevin Seaver, he exceeded all of our goals, and under 60 days got DCF out of our lives and on the phone conferences, everything, he was very professional, clearly knew what he was doing, knew his way around this, and he couldn’t have been better dealing with DCF. If I hadn’t had attorney Kevin Seaver on the phone calls with DCF, I don’t feel good about how they would have gone. Attorney Seaver set easy, clear cut goals and steps to follow in order to get DCF off our backs. He reached out to my network of people and got everything DCF wanted for a quick and easy closure.

Going into the investigation, I knew that DCF had clear cut plans, and I definitely felt intimidated not having any myself, and Attorneys Seaver had a clear cut plan customized to me, tailored to everything that he knew I was going through, and was able to direct me flawlessly to give DCF what they wanted, what they needed to hear, and I couldn’t be happier with the way that he tailored it specifically to me. It made all the difference. On a scale from one to 10, I would say, I would definitely give Attorney Seaver a 10. I couldn’t be happier. He did everything we needed and more, and I just wanted this investigation closed as quickly as possible, and he did that. He did a tremendous job.

I would definitely recommend Attorney Kevin Seaver to anybody I know, or care about who has DCF in their lives. Couldn’t ask for a better lawyer in that situation. every time that I reached out to Attorney Seaver, he got back to me in a very quick fashion. He always knew how to handle these situations, and things that had taken me a month to figure out myself, Attorney Seaver was getting done in a matter of days. With the simple, easy steps that he provided for me to provide to DCF, it was a relief. It was depressing and anxiety ridden, trying to deal with DCF on my own, without any idea of the steps to take.

Having Kevin Seaver’s direction, it changed my whole outlook. Almost everyone I talked to told me the DCF is going to be in my life for years, and almost everybody that I talked to told me DCF was going to be in my life for years. I couldn’t win against them, that they were going to be in control of my life for a long time to come, and it feels really good knowing that I’m one of Kevin’s Seaver’s success stories, and that we were able to get them out of our lives in a matter of two months. Anybody that says DCF is here to stay, and that you can’t get rid of them hasn’t met Attorney Seaver.”


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